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Invite Guests

In the previous section we covered inviting yourself as a guest via the API. Now let's go over inviting other people to start developing plugins for your application. In order to do this, you'll need to invite them as Guests of your XTP App. In this section we'll go over guest keys, programmatic invitation of guests, and inviting guests via the UI.

Guest Keys

Your application is responsible for assigning guest keys to developers you've invited as guests. This key is arbitrary but should be meaningful to your application: user ids, slugs, or group ids can be good choices. As a general rule, think about when your application expects to look up plugins: what information is available at that point, and how would you like to group customizations to that behavior?

The guest key is private to your application and XTP: it is not exposed to guests directly. Nevertheless, exercise restraint: avoid putting sensitive data in the guest key as it may appear in request logs.

Invitation Options

You can use the XTP REST API to create a guest programmatically, so it can be managed via your app's user account system.

Invite guests via Email

Using the XTP application or the REST API, Hosts can invite Guest users via email and XTP will send an invitation to the email address used when creating this invitation.

If you'd prefer to communicate the guest invite link to your users directly, you can generate a unique link via the XTP REST API.

Setting the deliveryMethod field to link in the guest invitation endpoint will create an invitation and return a unique link in the HTTP response body for you to use.

Guest Access via XTP CLI

Guests use the xtp CLI to authenticate with XTP, to generate plug-in projects according to a Host App schema, and to test and push plug-ins to register with Extension Points.

To download the xtp CLI, Guests may run:

curl -s | bash