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Testing and Pushing Plug-ins

Push your plug-in

Once you've compiled your plug-in code to Wasm, and you're ready to ship a plug-in to an Extension Point, you will execute xtp plugin push using the CLI.

At this point, XTP will automatically run several tests on your plug-in to validate it and ensure that it is compatible with the host application that it will run within. If all validations pass, it will be loaded into the XTP registry and available for invocation in the host application. The validations consist of a combination of built-in tests provided by the XTP platform and any custom validations created by the Host using the Simulations feature.

If your plugin doesn't meet expectations, you'll see some output to guide you toward fixing the failed validations. Once fixed, you can rebuild, and repush.

For more detailed information on using the xtp CLI to push plugins, see here

How to test your plug-in

You can (optionally) run your own custom tests on plug-ins and simulate how your plug-in will behave once it's executing in the host application you're developing against by following the instructions here. This guide will help you write and run unit tests that assert behavior and performance characteristics of your plug-in. We recommend rigorous testing to ensure things work the way you expect them to.

For help, please don't hesitate to reach us in the Extism Discord server in the #xtp channel. Alternatively, you can email